Membership Application Form - this is the legacy application form for those who do not wish to join online
Want to lead a ski flight trip? - this will explain how we select ski flight trip leaders, and how to apply to be a trip leader.
Trip Evaluation Form - This form is for participants on flight trips to evaluate a the trip and the trip leaders performance
Report of Unacceptable Behavior Form - This form is for event/trip leaders to document unacceptable behavior by members and/or participants at SCWDC events
Club Financial forms come in four flavors. Click on the document to open, then save it to your computer. Please use the electronic form of these documents to help reduce the amount of paper forms and documents.
Deposits (blue) - used to submit check payments for deposit into the Club
Vouchers (green) - used to request Club reimbursement for expenditures
Transfers (pink) - used to transfer moneys or supplies from one event to another
Financial Report (Yellow) - used to provide final financial accounting of a trip or event. Use this spreadsheet to cut & paste invoice and payment details exported from the website.
Club manuals & guidelines provide basic information about the structure and operations of the Club, how to manage events, trips, and expenditures. Click on the document to read, then print or save to your computer.
SCWDC Policy Manual - describes the Club's Bylaws, Rules of Procedure, Policies, Fees, and Awards
SCWDC Membership Manual - describes the Club's Membership Types and relevant administrative processes
SCWDC Event Leader Financial Guide - describes the Club's financial forms, processes, and procedures
2018 Ski Trip Leader Manual - describes how to manage the operations of an event or trip, with especial focus on overnight and/or flight trips
FYI: the Ski Trip Leader Manual is being updated for 2022 ski trips by the Flights Committee, as of July 2021
Guideline to Serving as SCWDC Election Chair - describes the Club's conduct of the annual election process
Communication Examples to Election Chair Guidance - documents referenced in the above Guideline document
SCWDC Policy Manual requires that the annual audit be made available to members. SCWDC's outside independent auditor gave our financial statements a "clean" (accurate) opinion. This display shows our FY 24 income and expenses that resulted in a positive change in assets. SCWDC FY24 Audit.pdf