Mike Cavallaro, Ski School Director/Technical Director
Years Teaching: 35+
Ski Areas/Schools: Canaan Valley, Timberline, Roundtop, Whitetail, Cherokee
Certification Levels & Other Training: PSIA-E Alpine Level III, PSIA-E Master Teacher, PSIA-E Resort Trainer, PSIA-E Coaching Advance Skiing and Racing Accreditation, PSIA Children's Specialist I, PSIA-C Senior Specialist I, PSIA-C Trainer Accredited, PSIA-E Sports Science Accreditation, CSIA Level III Alpine, USAA Level 100 Coach, PSIA National Academy Graduate (93, 94, 96, 97, 98, 06, 10, 12), Interski 2023 (Levi, Finland)
Occupation: Retired - Structural Steel Detailer/Consultant
Focus areas include working with students on techniques, tactics, and versatility using movement and video analysis to achieve efficient and effortless all mountain skiing in a variety of conditions.
Other Interests: Cycling, Photography, Hunting/Shooting, Gardening, Woodworking, Classic Car Restoration, Spud-Gun Engineering
Volunteer: past BOD member, Ski Trip Leader, Recipient of 2023 Joan Hauwirth award & many prior awards including Honorary Lifetime Member & Toni Castagnolo (Founders)