MEET YOUR VOLUNTEERS AND STAFF WHO MAKE IT POSSIBLE The 2024 Election and Awards Meeting was conducted on April 18, 2024. Ruth D'Alessandro was re-elected as President, and B J Barger and Rita Togni were re-elected to serve on the Board of Directors. Carol Caruso and Eliot Greenwald were elected to fill the vacancies that occurred when Mary Thibault and Cheryl Wiseman left the BOD after two years of service. Joe Trincellito was elected to serve the remaining one-year term of Carol Thomas who resigned for personal reasons. Ruth D'Alessandro, President, Serving a Fourth Year I have been a member of our club for over 36 years. Initially, I participated in tennis parties, instructional tennis, weekend trips, weekly tennis, and played softball. I began skiing 3 years after I joined our club and benefited from many one day and weekend learn to ski trips. For over 30 years, I have attended approximately 3 ski trips a year. I was race coordinator on several trips, assisted trip leaders and hosted several pre-trip parties at my house. I have participated in Club Med and Viking Cruise trips. Four years ago, I led the Park City/SFF ski trip; last year, I led the ski club trip to Winter Park, CO. Three years ago, I initiated and led a Club Med trip to Sandpiper Bay; over 40 participants safely attended. Last year, I researched the location, negotiated prices and assisted the trip leader on our first weekly golf and tennis trip to Hilton Head Island, SC. I led a very successful golf trip to Hilton Head this year Several years ago, I began participating in our Wednesday evening golf program. Since then, I have led 4 weekend golf trips to Blue Ridge Shadows in VA and 2 successful weekend golf trip to Shenvalee, VA. I have met many interesting people and made numerous lifelong friends while enjoying being active in our club. Four years ago, I was able to spend more time giving back to our club; I was nominated and elected to the (Board of Directors) BOD. I learned about our operations and budget. It was a difficult year due to COVID and we suffered financially. The BOD made prudent decisions to cancel some events. We discussed cancelling all events for the year including golf, tennis, and softball. However, the BOD determined that would be detrimental to our club and membership; many of our members wanted to participate in outdoor activities. During the past three years we have safely continued our outdoor activities including picnics in the summer and two Back to the Slopes gathering in the fall. Our biking and hiking programs have been revitalized. All outdoor activities and trips have been well attended. During the past two years, most of our ski trips have sold out. In the past three years, our membership has increased by approximately 300 members. As a result of our volunteers’ work, we are doing well financially again this year. For the first time in several years, we will be holding our election indoors at Auld Shebeen in Fairfax, VA. I have been described by friends and colleagues as enthusiastic, dedicated and hardworking. I have ideas/incentives to entice new volunteers for our programs, implement new programs, continue to recoup our losses and build our club. Lastly, I worked for Fairfax County Public Schools for 32 years as a Social Worker and an Administrator. The organizational, human relations and leadership skills utilized in my career have benefited me as I have been a volunteer, trip leader, member of the BOD and I am happy to be your President for a fourth term. Ruth will serve until April 2025. Board of Directors: Beverly Ashcraft I’m a long-time member who joined the club when I moved to DC in the late 90’s. SCWDC gave me new ski friends, a varied social network, and the opportunity to try non-ski activities such as golf which is now one of my favorite outdoor activities. SCWDC has been a big part of my DC social life, and I want to help ensure that the club continues to provide a variety of activities. SCWDC offers something for everyone no matter the season – skiing, tennis, golf, hiking, adventure trips, and many social events. SCWDC is recovering from the financially challenging years of Covid-19 and needs board members with a wide range of expertise to address how the club will meet new challenges for travel organizations in the future. I have been the club’s financial manager for the past 3 years and have learned a tremendous amount about the club’s finances and how we operate as a non-profit organization. In that time, we’ve implemented more streamlined accounting practices and are developing a strategic plan to continue to modernize SCWDC’s back-office. If I am elected as board member, I plan to bring my knowledge of the club’s financial state and my expertise from leading numerous activities and serving on both the flights and ALEC committees to continue to implement the modernization of SCWDC’s back-office so that SCWDC is set for future year. (Bev is also the club's Financial Manager.) Bev's term runs to April 2025. B J Barger After two knee replacement surgeries, I’m back to skiing and loving it! I have SCWDC to thank for getting me back on slopes; I want to pay it back by continuing to serve on the Board. After one year on the Board I have a better appreciation for Club operations. This year we’ve struggled with the impacts of COVID, so my goal is to get the social and sports aspects of SWCDC back to normal. I’m a retired AF employee with experience in HR, training and development. I have Board experience with my homeowner’s association, LPGA Amateurs and American Singles Golf Association. With the Club, I’ve skied, biked and gone to baseball games. This year I’m going to add pickleball. I’m looking forward to another year of representing the members of SCWDC. BJ's term runs through April 2026. Larry Langer, 2023-2024 Vice President I have been a member of SCWDC for over 32 years. I have been skiing with the club since I joined and early on would go on several bus trips in addition to flight trips. In recent years I typically go on couple ski trips per year. I have enjoyed meeting a lot of interesting and friendly people over the years, a number of whom I have known for over 30 years. Many of you know me or will recognize me from all the trips that I have been on. When not skiing with the club I have had a season pass at Whitetail for over ten years and can be found up there skiing during the rest of the season and occasionally at Liberty. I retired in August 2020 from L3Harris as a Controller with a staff of seven. I am a licensed CPA in Virginia and also a Certified Management Accountant (CMA). While I was working I did not have time to volunteer for the club. Now that I am retired I would like to give back to the club. I realize how much hard work everyone who volunteers has done and are currently doing and would like to help out. I think my work experience would be helpful to the club in a number of areas particularly financial and budgeting matters. This would be my first volunteer activity with the club, but you have to start somewhere and I think my work experience, knowledge, years of participation and contacts in the club would be useful. In conclusion, I would like to do more volunteering with the club going forward in particular with the ski programs, Western, Eastern and one day trips. Hopefully this COVID thing will end and next year’s ski season will be more normal. Larry's term runs to April 2025. Sylvia Harris I have been an SCWDC member for over 26 years and served on the board twice, filling vacated positions. I enjoy travel, hiking, biking, skiing, cultural, and social activities. I started out doing social and cultural activities with the club and later alpine skiing, going on two ski trips with the club almost every year. I have also been on SCWDC Club Med trips, and participated in other club activities, such as hiking, happy hours, biking, and attending the annual picnic. I am a retired federal employee having worked for the Navy and the Dept of Transportation (DOT). I have experience as a systems analyst and project manager. I have served on boards for other organizations and volunteer as a tutor in an adult literacy program and a reading program with a local elementary school. Over the years, the club has provided many activities for members to stay active. I have enjoyed many of these activities and want to give back to the club. Sylvia's term runs through April 2025. Carol Caruso I have been an active SCWDC member for more than 10 years; I have enjoyed many hikes, bike rides, ski trips, adventure trips, and social events. I would like to show my appreciation for the club by giving back and volunteering on the Board. The experiences that I have had, by participating in a wide range of club activities, will give me the background and basic knowledge needed as a first-time board member. In addition, I am now retired and have more time available to focus on contributing to the success and growth of the SCWDC. Skills developed throughout my professional career will enable me to help the club accomplish goals and carry out operational tasks and processes, ultimately benefitting the club and its members. Specifically, I have degrees in Computer Science, and Information Technology from Monmouth University and George Washington University. My work experience is from a career with the Federal Government where I performed problem solving, software coding, and project management (budgeting, personnel resource management, project planning, and scheduling). Carol's term runs through April 2026. Joe Trincellito I joined the Ski Club about seven years ago, after retiring for the second time, but my familiarity with the club goes back to the early 70s during my first assignment in DC. I have a Bachelor’s degree in Geology from SUNY-New Paltz and a MPA degree from George Washington University. My professional career in government spanned 29 years with several law enforcement related agencies (DEA, INTERPOL and Justice’s Criminal Div.) followed by 15 years providing consulting services, primarily involving foreign police and rule of law programs. Over the last 20 years, I have been active as a member of my Condo board. Much of that time I acted as Treasurer overseeing multi-million dollar operating and capital investment budgets. I find myself skiing less and less, as my knee gets less and less cooperative, but I remain active with other activities, including the Nominating Committee, Happy Hours, Wednesday golf and travel golf trips. I believe my management and budgeting experience could be useful to the Ski Club in navigating the ever changing environment. I also believe that there is room for growth. As the demand for travel ski trips and adventure travel shows, there is a large community who desire such programs and much of it as yet untapped. Joe's term runs until April 2025. Rita Togni I am an SCWDC member since the early 1990's. I volunteered to lead many ski trips in the USA and in Europe, as well as some local hikes. I have served as a Director for the past 2 years, and then successfully ran for re-election in 2022. I enjoy skiing, hiking, tennis, pickleball and other sports with family and friends. The Club has evolved and expanded from being only a ski club to including other sports and social events. Volunteers work hard to make it successful. Pickle ball is my latest “passion” (it is the fastest growing sport in USA). and I would like to reinstate hiking events, at all levels. I worked as an Architect, as an Interior Decorator and currently in real estate. Rita's term runs through April 2026. Eliot Greenwald I have been an active member of SCWDC since 1977 and have been on over 100 ski trips. Most noteworthy was a ski trip to Greek Peak, NY over Martin Luther King weekend in 1986, where I met my wife Anita. Although I was never a trip leader back then, I was friends with many of the trip leaders and offered to help out during the trips, often coordinating the NASTAR race. I continue to ski with the club and participated in two flight trips this past season. I also have been an active participant in the SCWDC sailing program for over 20 years, including volunteering as a trip leader and skipper on many of the Potomac sails. Having just retired at the end of 2023 from a 47-year career as a telecommunications attorney, I now have time to give back to SCWDC. I volunteered to chair the sailing program starting this past fall and agreed to be nominated to run for the Board of Directors. In addition to SCWDC, I have considerable experience with volunteer organizations. I have held numerous positions with the Cornell Club of Washington, including having been program chair, treasurer, first vice president, and president. I have also held various positions in the Cornell Class of ’73 class council, most recently as reunion registration chair. Eliot's term runs until April 2026. BOD Secretary: Carole Howe
JoAnn is well qualified for this job. She has a BS degree from Virginia Tech (VPI) in Business Administration, an MS degree from John Hopkins University in Real Estate Finance, Construction and Development and completed the Graduate School of Banking-University of Washington-Pacific Coast Banking School/Institutional Finance program. She worked for 22 years as a Real Estate Specialist/Professional Staff for a regional law firm and two international law firms. She also worked for 3 years as a Legal Advisor/Vice President at Allied Capital Corporation, and 16 years as Senior Vice President (US Bank). Financial Manager: Bev Ashcraft SCWDC's annual budget is about $1 million and includes about 40 admission events. While all of our events are planned and run by volunteers, we need year-round financial services to manage our various financial relationships and transactions, and these services come from our Financial Manager. From 2006 to mid-2020, Brian Chollar, long-time SCWDC member and past president, served in this role. Now, Bev, who is a long-time member, former volunteer ski leader & Meetings Chair, and current member of the Activity Leader Evaluation Committee member, has become our Financial Manager and serves today. Her workload includes managing our bank accounts and 2,000+ annual credit card and check installment payment transactions, auditing Tour Operator invoices and leader financial reports, and providing the Board of Directors with timely advice. One major aspect of financial work is due to the complexity of SCWDC ski trip vacations , which have multiple pricing options including "Ground Only" (participant books his/her own airline travel), "Single Supplement" (participant pays to occupy their own bedroom), and multiple lift ticket options. We are lucky to have Bev serve because she knows how the club operates, backwards and forwards. Length of Service as Financial Manager: Since May 2020. 2nd Member of Activity Evaluation Leader Committee. Prior service as member of Flights Committee for multiple years, ski trip and activity leader, and service as Meetings Chair for 3 years.
General Counsel: Peter Hartogensis SCWDC Member since 1999. Board of Directors (BOD), 2013 to 2015 President, 2015-2017. Legal Counsel, 2009 to date. Ski Trip leader, tennis party host. Silver award, 2013. I managed the merger of The Tennis Group (TTG) into the Ski Club. For TTG, I served as President, Board member, newsletter editor, legal counsel, Team Tennis Coordinator, Team Tennis Captain, trip leader. Professional qualifications and experiences: City of Rockville, 1978-87. Elected to City Council, served 2 terms. Served on Board of Appeals as member and chairman, city Planning Commission. Profession, Attorney at Law in Maryland and District of Columbia, now retired. Practiced in areas of real estate, contracts, Bankruptcy, torts, criminal law, estates and trusts, domestic and other areas. Length of Service in this position: Since 2009, 14 years. Previously, President 2 years, BOD member 2 years. Historian Emeritus: Kate Hayes Kate is a legend in SCWDC circles. She became our historian in 1983 and faithfully accumulated history artifacts, photos, and accounts of SCWDC members, officers, and all events. When the club began discussions of how to celebrate its 50th anniversary in 1986, she and others developed the concept of creating a "Yearbook" that would provide all members with an account how the club started, what every president accomplished in his/her year in office, and then gave an account of every program that the club had ever operated, who was started it, to whom was credit due. The 1936-1986 Yearbook runs to over 200 pages and nothing like it has been attempted again. A copy o the Yearbook can be obtained from the SCWDC office, just by asking. Kate has received every major award the club gives. Length of Service in this position: Since 1983, 40 years. Program Chairpersons:Two "Flights" Ski Trips Co-Chairs for Western, Eastern and International Trips, Mary-Jo Swinimer and Jim Suh, and the names of other Ski Flight Trips Committee members. The Committee is responsible for accomplishing the Club's primary purpose, the enjoyment of skiing. FYI, the Committee works all year-round to plan and run ski trips, especially in winter months when the Committee is running this year’s ski trips while planning next ski year’s trips. The Flights Committee plans and manages about 15-18 ski trips a year which provide approximately 500 ski spots for members' winter vacations to US, Canadian and European ski destinations. Due to changes in Eastern ski resort ownership, our club's Eastern trips are limited to Canaan Valley, West Virginia. The value of annual ski trip contracts range from $700,000 - $850,000, so this is a huge responsibility! In the summer, the Committee also brings 100+ members and guests together for two picnics, the first in the spring or early summer is "Back From The Slopes" or "Meet Your Trip Leaders," to celebrating the past ski season and the second introduces the next ski season in a "Back To The Slopes" event. Both are popular events which require advance sign up. Other Flights Committee Members are the following: Ken Eng, Joe Gilbert, Charlie Lorenzetti, Larry Langer, David Lewis, Dean Shepard and Susan Miller.
Jim Suh Jim has been a member since 2011. He has been a multi-year member of the Ski Flight Trips Committee. Another aspect to his SCWDC contributions is that he is also a member of the Columbia Ski Club and brings experiences with that club to SCWDC.
Yingwen joined the club in 1997 to participate in ski trips, Saturday and Sunday tennis, Viking cruises, and Bike and Barge trips. She is a former Director, has served on the Elections Committee for many years. She is now the new Travel Chair, having participated in many SCWDC travel events, especially Viking cruise events. Sailing Chair: Eliot Greenwald Social/Cultural Chair: Vacant Recreation/Sports Program Chair - President Ruth D'Alessandro is acting in this leadership capacity. Contact the SCWDC Office or President Ruth D'Alessandro to discuss these volunteer positions.
Casey has been the Indoor Tennis Chair since 2005. This is meant that she has planned and run with considerable volunteer help, somewhere between 20 and 30 Saturday night tennis parties every year from September to May. Every party requires a leader and usually an assistant leader, splitting the duties of paperwork, collecting monies, and planning a light buffet for the participants. Recruiting and coaching 20 to 30 tennis party leaders and assistants a year is a big deal. Some years ago a second level of party management was created, "Party Supervisors" so Casey did not have to do all the work herself. Her helper in every respect is her husband Jack who cooperatively initiated some better practices in the tennis program, setting up a system of regular and fair ability ratings and creating/publishing a newsletter to members of the ski club community as well as to others who were guests at our parties. Every tennis party requires an advance plan for "Who will play in what ability group and when," and Jack has probably composed something like 350 to 400 individual party rotations that is the advance plan of four hours of play. Up to 80 persons attend any party and when a new person comes in, Jack often calls that person to learn how frequently they play tennis, in what ability group should they be initially placed in the available 10 courts? This means that the time to compose the rotation can be as little as two hours or as much as four, every Saturday afternoon that there's a party. Jack is a USPTR tennis professional (graduate of the Dennis Van der Meer Tennis Academy). When empty courts were available, he would give free lessons from 7-11. We give great credit to this team for the success of SCWDC tennis parties. In any one year, there have been as many as 700+ different players and 1,600 player spots. Casey was selected as an Honorary Lifetime Member and Jack has received the Gold Award. Length of Service for Casey and Jack: since 2005, 16 years.
Ying joined the club in 1997 to participate in ski trips, Saturday and Sunday tennis, Viking cruises, and Bike and Barge trip. She is the SCWDC Viking Cruises trip leader and has served on the Club Election Committee for many years. She and Janet Brown, have agreed to take over Sunday Instructional Tennis program beginning June 2021. More about Ying is further down as the Viking Cruise Coordinator. Length of Service for this position: February 2021, Just started. Sunday Instructional Tennis Co-Coordinator : Janet Brown Janet joined the club in 2014 to participate in ski trips, Saturday night tennis, the Sunday tennis instructional program, and Viking cruises. She is an avid tennis player and will co-coordinate the 2021-2022 instructional program with Ying. Length of Service for this position: February 2021, Just started. Ying and Janet have managed the Sunday Instructional Tennis program since the 2021 fall season. They are passionate tennis players and long-time Sunday Tennis players. They will also plan and run a Christmas party and an End-Of-The-Season tennis party. The program has about 150 players. Committee Chairpersons:
Budget and Finance Chair: Lawrence Langer. Larry retired from local commercial company, L3 Harris, as a Controller. He is a Licensed Certified Public Accountant (CPA) in Virginia and also a Certified Management Accountant (CMS). He was elected in 2021 to serve a 2-year term as an SCWDC Director and was re-elected in 2023 to serve another 2-year term. Nominating Committee Chairpersons: Sharon Godfrey and Bonny Piper. Thank you for serving!. Geoffrey Pennoyer served in this important capacity for many years, and recently moved away from the area. Bonnie and Sharon are long-time SCWDC members who will work diligently to recruit candidates for the Club's elective office positions (President and Directors). Elections Chair, 2021-2024 Bill Johnston. Bill is a past President for 3 years, former Budget and Finance Chair for 5 years, and former Tennis Chair for 6 years. Past Presidents Advisory Chair: Howard Fisher Howard has been a continuing major volunteer presence in SCWDC matters since joining the club. He served as president twice, 1987-1988 and again in 1995. He was not the founding member of the "Past Presidents Advisor" group but she has been the chair for several years. As Policy Chair, he has advised the Board of Directors and the president about various club matters, and when there is a proposal to change our Policy Manual, he does the analysis and formulates the wording. As best he can, remains neutral on issues although he will give us advice when asked. At the time he became president there was no "introduction guide" to the role, it was learn as you go, ask questions, and so on. To fill that gap he created the President's Manual and passes it on to every new president, then stays in touch to offer help and advice without being intrusive. Policy: Howard Fisher Every club needs a foundation of policy guidance and operating rules. For many years, Howard and a few members have both initiated changes and responded to BOD & member change requests. Some chapters of the Policy Manual require 2/3 membership approval at the annual membership meeting, while other chapters are maintained and controlled by the Board of Directors. Howard and committee helpers are known for their balanced approach - listen carefully for the intent behind any proposal, evaluate the possible impact and give advice the Board of Directors about how to proceed. Previously, SCWDC President, 2 years.
Each winter, certain areas of West Virginia are blessed with a tremendous amount of snow. In 1950, members of the Ski Club of Washington DC were flying over Canaan Valley. They noticed an open meadow with huge snowdrifts in the late spring. In 1951, the Ski Club opened Driftland near present-day Canaan Valley Resort bringing snow sports to the Southeast. After Driftland opened other local ski resorts were founded. A few resorts closed but several are thriving such as Blackwater Falls State Park, Canaan Valley Resort, Snowshoe, Timberline, and Whitetail. These resorts helped develop and continue to contribute to a thriving tourist industry. Snow sports enthusiasts work hard and play hard. This attitude has spawned a plethora of stories and legends. Longtime West Virginia snow sports enthusiasts believe in the importance of preserving and documenting these amazing stories. A group of these dedicated individuals founded the Snows Sports Museum of West Virginia in 2018. The current address of the museum is 6459 Appalachian Highway, 6459 Appalachian Highway, Davis, WV 26260. The museum is usually open during ski season Thursdays through Sundays and by appointment at other times. Call to see if it is open when you are there. Phone: 334.663.1172. Email: They plan activities in the spring, summer and fall to bring skiers and friends together including social events, golf tournaments, and so on. Visit the web site to see the current plans. |
Ski & Sports Club of Washington DC
5309 Langston Blvd, Arlington, VA 22207 MAP
Office Hours: Tuesday & Thursday 9 AM - 1 PM