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President's Message

2024 Annual Awards: 

President’s message April 28, 2024

Greetings SCWDC, aka Ski and Sport Club members,

The Annual Meeting and Awards Ceremony was held at Auld Shebeen for the second year on April 18, 2024. There were 6 members running for the BoD (Board of Directors) for 5 positions. Thanks to the Nominating Committee and Geoffrey Pennoyer who has Chaired this Committee for the past 5 years. Also, thanks to all who attended. Free appetizers and non-alcoholic beverages were provided and members were able to catch up with each other. Everyone seemed to have a great time.

 In addition, at the meeting, several volunteers were recognized including Alison Binkowski, who revived our Volleyball program, Patricia Grantham, ski trip leader and new Flights Committee member, Shannon Elliott and Cristos Matsouros, first time Canaan Valley trip leaders. Special thanks to Charlie Lorenzetti for recruiting new trip leaders and a new flights committee member. Also, kudos to the Ski flights Committee for working on the 2025 Ski trip schedule, most of which were available for this meeting.

We had another profitable year of Ski trips, Biking, Adventure Travel and a Club Med trip which over 50 members attended, as well as weekly events including, volleyball, golf, sailing, hiking, tennis parties, Sunday tennis and bowling. We added a new biking trip through VBT (Vermont Biking Tours) to Amsterdam in April 2024 led by another new trip leader, BJ Barger.

 In addition, flyers for most of the ski trips for 2025 as well as upcoming trips including a biking weekend trip to Pennsylvania in May, a rafting trip on the Colorado River in June 2025 and an OAT (Overseas Adventure Travel) trip to Thailand beginning in October 2025 for our club members only were available at the meeting.

We had several members who received Awards which are included with the President’s message. It was a very successful evening! Thanks again to all who attended.

Sincerely, Ruth D’Alessandro

Annual Audit

SCWDC FY23 Audit Report

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

Annual Mtg Minutes 4-6-2023

April 24 2023 Board of Directors Meeting

May 8, 2023 Board or Directors Meeting

June 12 2023 Board of Directors Meeting

July 12, 2023 Board of Directors meeting

August 7, 2023 Board of Directors Meeting

September 11, 2023 Board of Directors meeting

October, 3, 2023 Board of Directors Meeting

November 6, 2023 Board of Directors Meeting

December 6, 2023 Board of Directors Meeting

President's Message January 2024

January 8, 2024 Board of Directors Meeting

February 12, 2024 Board of Directors Meeting

March 11, 2024 Board of Directors Meeting

April 15, 2024 Board of Directors Meeting

April 18, 2024, Annual Meeting Minutes (1).docx

May 20, 2024 Board of Directors Meeting

June 17, 2024 Board of Directors Meeting.docx

Ski & Sports Club of Washington DC
5309 Langston Blvd, Arlington, VA 22207    MAP
Office Hours: M & F, 1 PM - 5 PM,  Tues - Thur 9 AM - 1 PM

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