The 2020-2021 SCWDC President is asking key volunteers to answer questions that will help the future president and Board of Directors manage the club to the fullest extent. This project was started on January 9. Please try to answer by February 1 or whenever you have the time.
Results of this project are now posted on the web page, "Club Jobs" which is subsidiary to the "Club Documents and Forms" web page.
See our web pages, Club Jobs and SCWDC-Club Documents and Forms
PLEASE ANSWER THESE Not all of these questions apply equally: please answer as you see fit.
Q1: When did you assume your position? Year?
Q2: Please state your workload in terms of hours per week, if duties are frequent/ consistent, or the committent for seasonal time.
Q3: Are you planning to continue in this position indefinitely?
Q3A: If not, what is your estimated ending service date? Even just a comment would be helpful if you don't see yourself serving for another 12 months. (No one is being pushed out; this is just a way of estimating needs)
Q4: Is there a training syllabus, "how to" description for this position for an entire year and is it current?
Q4A: If not, would you develop a job description before April, 2021?
Q4B: What specific knowledge, technical or social skills are required for your position?
Q5: Is Web Event Posting or Event Editing Skill Required, including financial duties, to assure full collection of amounts due from event signups?
Q6: Do you have a currently active assistant who could take over immediately if you retired or became disabled unexpectedly?
Q6A: Are there log-ins and passwords that are necessary to complete your job?
Q6B: Do you have a unique database for your position & how would a copy become available to the club if something should happen you?
For either, you should provide the office administrative manager and a second officer with a set of these on a regular basis, especially since passwords change often and you may update your database frequently. Based on your answer, either myself or the admin officer will contact you. We will formulate a policy on this, encryption, etc. before you send these to someone. It's likely that our Web Manager, Gary, should be the custodian for these. This has not been discussed with Gary and there may be alternatives for an attorney / outside source
FYI: our long time volunteer and member, Frank Penaranda, died without providing the BRSC with the set of log-ins and passwords to administer the BRSC web site, hence, it has to be rebuilt. The impact on SCWDC is that we could not regularly advertise our trips to BRSC members. The SCWDC officers have a reason to protect the intellectual property of the club, in the possession of volunteers, so we don't have to start over, any function from scratch.
Q7: Do you have someone in mind, not currently active helping you, that you could train for your work, if you needed to end your service by an advance plan?
Q8: Are you receiving the support that you need from the president, current BOD, admin manager, financial manager, or an possibly outside expert source?
Q8A: You don't have to be a critic: what could be better/easier to carry out your program or responsibility?
You are welcome to call me if you would instead of writing, Bill, cell, 703-597-6310
Q9: Do you enjoy being in your position? What specific experience confirms this?
Q9A: is there some part of your job that you don't enjoy and do you think anyone can help you with this?
Please add any comment that would help me or the current BOD to understand your situation, and that could be passed on to the next administration.
Recording Secretary, General Counsel, Administrative Manager, Budget and Finance, Financial Manager, Credit Card Manager, Senior Account Administrator, Magazine Editor, Skigram, Eastern Ski Trips Co-Chair 1, Eastern Ski Trips Co-Chair 2, Flights Ski Trips Co-Chair 1, Flights Ski Trips Co-Chair 2, Ski School Director, Sailing Chair, Sports & Recreation, Social & Cultural Chairperson, Tennis Parties, Activity Leader Evaluation (ALEC), Meetings, Policy, Eventbrite (Warren Miller only),, Facebook, Facebook, Facebook, Instagram, Marketing, Membership, Membership Services
The 2020-2021 SCWDC President writes these comments:
I have served in many positions since my membership started in 1981, thousands of hours. This is my third year as president and I have 3 months left to lead, to contribute, to make a difference. Here is my view of club status:
- COVID restrictions has been a big limit on our activities, we are experiencing a very low number of member renewals compared to past years. It has been unsafe to conduct meetings and it is not clear when we can resume our traditional activities, due to national news, vaccine inoculations are slow, some estimates are 2021 summer/fall, some are years. Our membership is about 900; since 2012, we are down 500-600 members.
- No social meetings, no happy hours, only the summer picnic and Back to the Slopes, IN OTHER WORDS, hardly any social - friendly and acquaintance contacts which has been the fundamental basis of this club. We held a Zoom Happy Hour about 2 weeks ago, 4 members attended and then about 15 current officers
- BOD and presidents including me of the last few years have been able to recruit only a few new volunteers with one big exception: this year's Nominating Committee found eight persons willing to serve (names will be announced shortly by the Elections Chair, not yet selected).
- Flights Committee and Eastern Committee have planned trips under difficult circumstances - too many to describe. Thank you!, the chairs, the committee itself and individually!
- Our FY 21 / this year / is estimated to lose $43k and likely more, $50-$60k due to lower Flights income, lower membership income. These lower #'s are my estimates. Who knows if we can conduct our activities fully in FY 22, thus achieving Flights income and membership income to achieve a balanced budget?
- BOD members have questioned, can we lower the 4.5% assessment to 3%? The next FY budget is under preparation now. Our annual overhead is $100,000+ and our FY 21 income sources are reduced. We have no ability to increase income independently. How to balance the budget? How can this club survive without normal income levels?
There are more factors, no need to go further.
If anyone wants to make suggestions, write back and I will put these before the BOD.
Ski & Sports Club of Washington DC
5309 Langston Blvd, Arlington, VA 22207 MAP
Office Hours: Tuesday & Thursday 9 AM - 1 PM