2024 SCWDC Election

SCWDC's upcoming election of officers and presentation of awards to volunteers will take place at the Annual Meeting on Thursday, April 18, 2024, at 7:00 PM.  Location:  the Auld Shebeen restaurant in Fairfax, 3971 Chain Bridge Road, Fairfax.  More information including parking directions and a map are now posted in the meeting event for April 18 and advance registration is required.  FYI, the April Happy Hour is also scheduled 5-7:00 PM at the same location.

How to Vote Overview: 

- Electronic voting was enabled on April 8 and will continue until April 18.  SCWDC sent electronic ballots to all active SCWDC members via email on April 8.  In order to submit an electronic ballot, members must use the voting button enclosed in the email.  If you did not receive such an email, your SCWDC membership may have expired.

 - Votes may also be cast by requesting an absentee ballot from the SCWDC office, send an email to the office at, see additional instructions below under "Voting Rules." 

- Voting during the meeting will also be possible. 

- Voting results will be announced at the meeting. 

Voting Rules:

Only Active SCWDC members may vote.  Expired members are not allowed to vote, so please ensure that your membership is up to date if you plan to vote. Early votes may be cast electronically, or by paper absentee ballot.  Members may only submit one ballot.  For Family memberships, if two or more members share the same email address, only one member may submit an electronic ballot.  This is because the membership database uses the email address as the Member ID.  Other family members may update their profile to include a unique email address or submit an Absentee Ballot.

Members can request an Absentee ballot from the Club office, by sending an email to Your membership will be confirmed, and you will receive, via reply email, a PDF ballot to be used for one vote. For a family membership, each individual wishing to vote via Absentee Ballot will need to request and file a separate ballot. Your Absentee ballot must be received in the Club office by April 5 (before 3 PM). Members who wish to vote in person can do so at the Club office from April 9 to April 15 (before 3 PM) but must call ahead (703-532-7776) to ensure that the Office Manager will be present to register their vote. 


Any Active Club member who has been a member for one year or more may run for the position of Director. Any Active Club member who has been a member for three years or more may run for the office of President. Candidates must agree to serve if elected.  The President and at least four of the Directors must be skiers. Members may run by petition, and nominations may also be made from attendees at the Election Meeting.  For more detailed information about the Club's Bylaws, Rules of Procedure and/or Policies regarding Club Elections please refer to the SCWDC Policy Manual

The Club's Nominating Committee has approved the following slate of candidates:

For the office of President, for a term of one year: Ruth D'Alessandro 
For the position of Director, for a term of for two years:   B J Barger, Carol Caruso, Eliot Greenwald, William "Max" Maxwell, Rita Togni, Joe Trincellito 
Write-in candidates may be entered in the "Write-in" category.

Candidates for President:

Ruth D'Alessandro

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I am honored to be nominated for President of SCWDC now DBA (doing business as) Ski and Sports Club of Washington DC for the fourth year. I have been a member of our club for over 38 years. Initially, I participated in tennis parties, instructional tennis, weekend trips, weekly tennis, and played softball.  I began skiing 3 years after I joined our club and benefited from many one day and weekend learn to ski trips. Since then, I have attended approximately 3 ski trips a year. I was the race coordinator on several ski trips, assisted trip leaders and hosted several pre-trip parties at my house. I have participated in Club Med and Viking Cruise trips.  A few years ago, I led the Park City/SFF ski trip; and I was trip leader for Winter Park, CO ski trip.  I also led a Club Med trip to Sandpiper Bay that over 40 participants safely attended in 2021. Three years ago, I researched the location, negotiated prices and assisted the trip leader on our first weeklong golf and tennis trip to Hilton Head Island, SC. Last fall, I led a second week-long golf trip to Hilton Head that 29 members attended.  In November 2023, I led an enjoyable and successful golf trip to Kiawah Island in South Carolina.

Several years ago, I began participating in our Wednesday evening golf program.  I led 4 weekend golf trips to Blue Ridge Shadows in VA and 2 successful weekend golf trips to Shenvalee, VA. I have met many interesting people and made numerous lifelong friends while enjoying being active in our club.

A few years ago, I was able to spend more time giving to give back to our club; I was nominated and elected to the (Board of Directors) BOD. I learned about our operations and budget. It was a difficult year due to COVID and we suffered financially. The BOD made prudent decisions to cancel some events. We discussed cancelling all events for the year including golf, tennis, and softball. However, the BOD determined that would be detrimental to our club and membership; many of our members wanted to participate in outdoor activities.

Since then, we have safely continued our outdoor activities including picnics in the spring and Back to the Slopes gatherings in the fall. Our biking, and hiking programs have been revitalized. Also, our indoor volleyball program resumed last fall. All of our outdoor activities and trips have been well attended. This year, for the first time since 2019, a VBT (Vermont Biking Tours) trip will being going to the Netherlands in April. As a result, we are doing well financially and have recouped most of our losses since Covid began. For the past two years, our ski trips have sold out. Our membership has increased by over 300 members. Also, every spring and fall since 2021 we have continued to go on Club Med trips.

Last April, we hosted an indoor election, awards, and party meeting for the first time since Covid began at Auld Shebeen in Fairfax City, VA. We will be holding our Annual Election, Awards ceremony and club gathering there again on April 18, 2024. Our annual picnic is scheduled at the Shipgarten on June 22, 2024 and we be featuring future travel trips, biking excursions golf trips and other activities as well as our ski trips for 2025.  Our Back to the Slopes Party will be held in September 2024. In addition, the BoD is planning an indoor Volunteer Party in November 2024.

We have some new Volunteers for Leadership positions on the BOD, Flights Committee, Travel, and Sports and Recreation and Membership and Communication. We have a leader for the Volleyball Program and one of our members arranged for 14 members to see Quarterfinal action at a tennis event in Washington DC last August. We have not had a Social Chair for several years. Now that we are encouraging more indoor activities, we need a Volunteer for that position. We also need volunteers to lead trips including ski trips, Adventure trips, Tennis and Pickleball. Our club is a volunteer organization and we need more Volunteers to survive.

I have been described by friends and colleagues as enthusiastic, dedicated and hardworking. I have ideas/incentives to entice new volunteers to our club, new events and to continue to recoup our financial losses and build our club. Zoom is great but it does not take the place of human interaction and contact.

Lastly, I worked for Fairfax County Public Schools for 32 years as a Social Worker and an Administrator.  The organizational, human relations and leadership skills utilized in my career have benefited me as I have been a volunteer, trip leader, member of the BOD and I hope your President for a fourth term.   

Candidates for Director:

B J Barger

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Greetings fellow members of the Ski and Sports Club of Washington DC!  This is my third time to run for the board.  I’ve been elected twice and I’m looking forward to the opportunity to serve again.

During my time on the board, we’ve moved out of pandemic restrictions and reinstated many popular programs.  One big change during this time was changing our name to Ski AND SPORTS club.  This recognizes the while array of activities we offer.  Skiing is at our heart, but we’re aiming to provide a myriad of leisure time activities and travel.

I’ve gone on at least three ski trips with the club every year.  Additionally, I’ve participated in golfing and biking outings and volunteered at activities like picnics and the annual meeting.  This year I’m leading a biking trip to Amsterdam.  My goal for my board participation is to continue our outstanding skiing adventures while expanding other social and travel experiences.  I also strongly support efforts to broaden our perspectives and look for younger members.

I’m retired from a career as a civilian with the Air Force where I served in Human Resources with an emphasis on Training and Development.  During my time with the Air Force, I’ve joined many ski clubs:  Ohio, Germany, Japan, and Colorado Springs.  I picked up great ideas from all of those clubs.

In my retirement, I serve as an officer for my Homeowner’s Association as well as with several golf organizations including American Singles Golf and Ladies Professional Golfers Association Amateurs.

I’ve taken advantage of many opportunities provided by the SCWDC.  Thanks for giving me the chance to give something back.

Carol Caruso

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I have been an active SCWDC member for more than 10 years; I have enjoyed many hikes, bike rides, ski trips, adventure trips, and social events.  I would like to show my appreciation for the club by giving back and volunteering on the Board. The experiences that I have had, by participating in a wide range of club activities, will give me the background and basic knowledge needed as a first-time board member.  In addition, I am now retired and have more time available to focus on contributing to the success and growth of the SCWDC. 

Skills developed throughout my professional career will enable me to help the club accomplish goals and carry out operational tasks and processes, ultimately benefitting the club and its members.  Specifically, I have degrees in Computer Science, and Information Technology from Monmouth University and George Washington University.  My work experience is from a career with the Federal Government where I performed problem solving, software coding, and project management (budgeting, personnel resource management, project planning, and scheduling).

Thank you for taking the time to read my bio and for your consideration!  

Eliot Greenwald

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I have been an active member of SCWDC since 1977 and have been on over 100 ski trips.  Most noteworthy was a ski trip to Greek Peak, NY over Martin Luther King weekend in 1986, where I met my wife Anita.  Although I was never a trip leader back then, I was friends with many of the trip leaders and offered to help out during the trips, often coordinating the NASTAR race.  I continue to ski with the club and participated in two flight trips this past season.

I also have been an active participant in the SCWDC sailing program for over 20 years, including volunteering as a trip leader and skipper on many of the Potomac sails.  Having just retired at the end of 2023 from a 47-year career as a telecommunications attorney, I now have time to give back to SCWDC.  I volunteered to chair the sailing program starting this past fall and agreed to be nominated to run for the Board of Directors.  

In addition to SCWDC, I have considerable experience with volunteer organizations.  I have held numerous positions with the Cornell Club of Washington, including having been program chair, treasurer, first vice president, and president.  I have also held various positions in the Cornell Class of ’73 class council, most recently as reunion registration chair.  I ask for your vote to be a member of the SCWDC Board of Directors.

William "Max" Maxwell

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I have been a club member since I moved to the DMV in 2017. I have generally attended one or two trips each year since. I have led two developmental trips and one Western trip to Snowmass. I am preparing to lead the Kitzbuhel trip this year. I also played volleyball with the club for several years.

I have utilized technology in my trip leadership to include online trip documents, RSVP’s, and WhatsApp groups for pre-trip, travel and on-mountain communication. The WhatsApp group allowed one of our travelers to find another ride when his driver fell ill on the way to Canaan Valley. It does truly take a village. Importantly, the driver returned to good health and is skiing again.

I work in finance for the government contracting industry. I have a 17-year-old daughter who still skis with me, a ten-month-old puppy and an adult cat that loves them both. I also play volleyball, mostly on the Mall and in Arlington.

Rita Togni

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  • *A member of the Ski and Sports Club since the early 90’s 
  • *Currently serving on the Board of Directors for the past 4 years 
  • *Ski trip leader for many years, leading USA and European trips 
  • *Hiking leader for several local hikes 

I enjoy skiing, hiking, tennis, pickleball and other sports with family and friends. The Club has evolved and expanded from being only a ski club to including other sports and social events. Volunteers work hard to make it successful. 

I would like to work on finding venues to hold pickleball events at reasonable prices this is the fastest growing sport in USA and finding a location is the main challenge. We started with few Pickleball events In Northern Viriginia, but we need to expand to include Maryland and DC members. Re-instate Hiking at all levels, is another area we need to expand.

My background? 

I lived in many different countries in Europe, South America and the Middle East. 

Large family... skiing and tennis was always our common interest.

Professionally? I worked as an Architect, Interior Decorator and Designer. I am currently in Residential Real Estate. 

I ask for your vote and support; we need to work towards a club for all seasons, all ages... and all budgets. Thank you.

Joe Trincellito 

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  • I joined the Ski Club about seven years ago, after retiring for the second time, but my familiarity with the club goes back to the early 70s during my first assignment in DC. I have a Bachelor’s degree in Geology from SUNY-New Paltz and a MPA degree from George Washington University. My professional career in government spanned 29 years with several law enforcement related agencies (DEA, INTERPOL and Justice’s Criminal Div.) followed by 15 years providing consulting services, primarily involving foreign police and rule of law programs.  Over the last 20 years, I have been active as a member of my Condo board.  Much of that time I acted as Treasurer overseeing multi-million dollar operating and capital investment budgets.

  • I find myself skiing less and less, as my knee gets less and less cooperative, but I remain active with other activities, including the Nominating Committee, Happy Hours, Wednesday golf and travel golf trips.  I believe my management and budgeting experience could be useful to the Club in navigating its ever-changing financial environment. I also believe that there is room for growth.  As the demand for travel ski trips and adventure travel shows, there is a large community who desire such programs and much of it as yet untapped.

Ski & Sports Club of Washington DC
5309 Langston Blvd, Arlington, VA 22207    MAP
Office Hours:  Tuesday & Thursday 9 AM - 1 PM

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