Cell: (703) 862-8380
This week's ride is Saturday!
We'll do an out-and-back beginning at Columbia Island Marina and ending at Rock Creek Park Picnic Area #7. The Mount Vernon Trail will take us to Memorial Bridge where we'll cross into DC and head up the Rock Creek Trail. We will pass the Smithsonian National Zoo and head onto Beach Drive which is closed on the weekend so there is plenty of room to spread out! Once we get to picnic area #7, we'll take a water break (bring a light snack if you want one) then head back. After the ride, let's have lunch at Island Time Bar and Grill at the marina.
Register Here: https://scwdc.wildapricot.org/event-5848898/Registration
MEETING LOCATION Columbia Island Marina George Washington Memorial Pkwy Arlington, VA 22202 *We meet in the parking lot in front of the bathrooms
RIDE START TIME: 10:00AM - please arrive at least 15 min. early to use the restroom, pump your tires, etc.
DISTANCE: Approx. 20 miles
TERRAIN: Almost all paved Trail/Some Hills
WHAT TO BRING: Water, snacks, sunscreen, spare inner tube, bike lock
Helmets are mandatory on every ride - no exceptions! Please ensure that your bike is in good working condition & your tires are properly inflated!
Ski & Sports Club of Washington DC 5309 Langston Blvd, Arlington, VA 22207 MAP 703-532-7776 scwdc@scwdc.org Office Hours: Tuesday & Thursday 9 AM - 1 PM