Feb 29 Saturday Tennis Party at Georgetown Prep

  • Saturday, February 29, 2020
  • 6:30 PM - 11:00 PM
  • Georgetown Prep Tennis Club, 10900 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852
  • 3


Party Leaders: Carole Falvo & Lore Luhrs


Who May Attend: Tennis players who are intermediate level who can hit all strokes (or US Tennis Association 2.5 rating and higher to 4.5 rating). Players and non-players must be 21 or older. 

Maximum Number of Tennis Players: 48 on 6 courts. Newcomers are welcome!

What: Doubles tennis: You are committing to play 3 x 40 minute prearranged matches of competitive social doubles.  There are 2 mixed doubles and 1 same gender match. You will be grouped with others of similar rating/skill level. Food and drinks are provided. It's not just tennis--it's a party too !

Where: Indoors at a modern tennis club, Georgetown Prep Tennis Club, Rockville, MD 20852.

When:  Tennis: 7:00 PM. - 11:00 PM. Check-in begins at 6:30 PM.  If you fail to arrive by 7:30 your spot in the rotation will be forfeited and will need to be filled by others.

What to Bring: Bring your tennis racquet. Wear comfortable tennis or athletic clothes and tennis shoes without black soles. Bring 'warm-ups' or warm layers of clothing for when you are off the court or not playing. Georgetown Prep has clay courts inside a bubble (cool and damp).

What Not to Bring: Tennis balls. We provide 2 cans per court over the evening.

Tennis Ratings: If you are not sure of your rating, please contact Jack Tarr (Tennis Professional). At the party, our seasoned tennis raters will give you a rating, and in future parties, you can be accurately placed in a playing group. This is a necessity: at higher skill levels, serves and ground-strokes may be hit hard, and if you aren''t ready, that can be dangerous.

Cost: Low cost Tennis Parties are only possible because of the efforts of many SCWDC volunteers. If you enjoy our parties, please consider helping, too.

   Advance Registration
 At-the-door Registration
 SCWDC Members
 $20  $25
 non-members  $25  $30

Payment:  Advance registration and payment is required to ensure yourself a spot in the rotation.

  • ONLINE: Register immediately by clicking "Register" button to the left. You will be transferred to the registration page where you may pay with a credit card.
  • MAIL: Checks may be sent to the tennis party leader in lieu of an on-line payment, but please mail at least a week in advance.  You will not be registered for the party until your payment and application form are received.  Use this form:  <<<Mail-in Tennis Party Application>>>

Walk-ins: (Pay at the door) If space is available, you can play for an additional $5 walk-in fee. PAYMENT MUST BE IN CASH OR CHECK. This event frequently sells out in advance and even if there is an opening, it may not be at your tennis playing level.

Party Only:  Need a week off from tennis? Not a player or resting? You can still attend the party for $10 (advance registration) or $15 (at the door) and enjoy good food and drink and socialize.  Must be 21 or older. Please register in advance.

Non-member guests are welcome.

Not yet a member? Click Here to Join Now. A one year membership is only $45 for a single and $73 for a family. Renewal is $35 and $53, respectively.

Cancellation Policy:  

Before 12:00 p.m. Saturday (day of party): Full Refund.

After 12:00 p.m. Saturday (day of party): No Refund, but please let us know, so we can fill your spot in the rotation.

Cancel ONLINE registrations: Send email requesting cancellation to Be sure to state player(s) to be canceled and party date.

Cancel mail-in registrations: Call party host or send email requesting cancellation to . Be sure to state player(s) to be canceled and the party date.

SCWDC adheres to a PERSONAL CONDUCT policy.

Ski & Sports Club of Washington DC
5309 Langston Blvd, Arlington, VA 22207    MAP
Office Hours:  Tuesday & Thursday 9 AM - 1 PM

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