Alpine is also conducting there End Of Winter Ski/Board Equipment Sale
Date and Time: Thursday, March 1 6 PM Happy Hour 7 PM Visit with Trip Leaders/Ask Questions/Sign Up 7:30 PM Meeting Please let us know if you plan to attend so we can give Tony a headcount! Donna Harris: donkayhar@gmail.com
Before the meeting, we’ll meet in the shopping center at Fast Eddies. Grab a beverage and some light hors d’oeuvres and catch up with ski club friends.
Meeting: Tony Horton of Alpine Ski Shop will make a presentation on new tennis equipment and new stringing technology. Are you up on new equipment in tennis? What do you know about strings, stringing and what’s new? Have you ever watched a racket being strung? You will be amazed at the technology and improvements that are out there. You’ll get an idea how often your racket should be strung and with what strings and tension. There will be refreshments. The door prize, raffle will be a two day, weekend getaway for two at Club Med Sandpiper Bay Resort, the site of one of eight Club Med Tennis Academies.
The meeting schedule:
Come out and up your tennis knowledge. Meet and discuss tennis with one of our favorite sponsors, hang with your tennis buds. Or upgrade your ski equipment at sale prices.
Ski & Sports Club of Washington DC 5309 Langston Blvd, Arlington, VA 22207 MAP 703-532-7776 scwdc@scwdc.org Office Hours: Tuesday & Thursday 9 AM - 1 PM