Leader: Pete Campbell, 703-283-4547 pete_pat@verizon.net
Date: Tuesday, June 24th thru Thursday, 26th, 2025 (mid-week)
Cost: Golfers $315, Non-golfers $165, Single Supplement $455 (non-members add $40) Additional night stay, $130 per night and paid separately and directly to the hotel.
We will be staying in the Quality Inn in Bedford. right off the turnpike with a deluxe continental breakfast included and an outdoor pool.
Included in the price will be two nights lodging (continental breakfast included) and three rounds of golf. On Tuesday afternoon we will play the course at Down River. On Wednesday we will play at Iron Masters and on Thursday we play King Valley. You might want to come in on Monday and / or leave Friday and play the Elks Club 9 hole course... real cheap ($15). Great golf warm-up or rap-up.
Directions: Take the Beltway to I 270 north. In Frederick exit onto I 70 and follow to Breezewood, PA. Then take the PA Turnpike west to the next exit. Approximately 20 miles to the Bedford exit. After exiting turn left at the light after the toll booth and the Quality Inn is up the hill on your left.
For NON GOLFERS - A WEEKEND GETAWAY: Local historic sites such as Fort Bedford Museum, colonial Old Bedford Village, National Museum of the American Hand-Woven Coverlet, covered bridges/gravity hill driving tour, plus antique shops and flea markets in the Bedford area. The 9/11 memorial in Shanksville is not far away.
Register online, then submit payment via credit card.
Cancellations - A $40 cancellation fee applies for any cancellations prior to June 16, 2025. No refunds after June 16, 2025 unless a replacement is found. Cancellation refunds may incur a 3% credit card cancellation fee.
Ski & Sports Club of Washington DC 5309 Langston Blvd, Arlington, VA 22207 MAP 703-532-7776 scwdc@scwdc.org Office Hours: Tuesday & Thursday 9 AM - 1 PM